The EDXtreme exemplifies the trademark precision and rugged construction of Dillon dynamometers. Its highly refined design draws on the inherent strengths of premium grade materials to achieve a 5:1 minimum factor of safety.*

While the EDXtreme may be configured for something as simple as a digital hanging scale, it offers a higher level of intelligence. With user-defined functions and sophisticated communication options, the EDXtreme readily adapts to multi-tasking operations or multi-link systems capable of monitoring a series of critical stress points from a single location. It is the definition of application versatility.


The EDjunior dynamometer gets straight to the point, apply a load – take a reading. Its Spartan design is a direct response to industries that have wanted an extremely well-built instrument that could be relied upon for simple, yet critical measurements of weight and force.

The EDjunior draws its strength from the exhaustive engineering that went into the design of the Dillon EDXtreme dynamometer. Both share the same base of research and testing to match material characteristics and load cell technology. The choices made in development have yielded an exceptionally rugged instrument capable of consistently delivering accurate, repeatable measurements.



Originally designed to measure the tension on telephone wires, the AP Dynamometer has proven to have limitless versatility as a tension and weight measuring instrument. It is used for such diverse jobs as aircraft engine removal as part of a boot strap assembly, on-board load testing cranes/davits/lifeboats.